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Life Service Information

Foreign Language Service


“bbb” is short for “Before-Babel Brigade ” and means “the brigade before Babel.”
As in the pre-Babel era, when everyone understood one another (as they spoke only one language), this NGO provides foreign language services so that all people would understand one another whatever language they speak.

  • bbb TEL : 1588-5644
  • Call bbb at 1588-5644 then select the extension line for your desired foreign-language interpretation according to the ARS Guide. You will be linked to the volunteer's mobile phone.
Language Code Numbers

Drag the table left and right. (Applies only on mobile)

Regular-Opening Markets
English 1 Japanese 2 Chinese 3 French 4
Spanish 5 Italian 6 Russian 7 German 8
Portuguese 9 Arabic 10 Polish 11 Turkish 12
Swedish 13 Thai 14 Vietnamese 15 Malay & Indonesian 16
공공누리 제4유형: 출처표시 + 상업적 이용 및 변경 금지

본 공공저작물은 공공누리 "출처표시" 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.

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